Legal notice
Imprint according to §6 Federal Telecommunication Services Act (TDG), §6 Federal Media Services Act (MDSTv) and §4 Abs. 3 Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG)
Editor and webmaster responsible for planning, updating and supervision of the site content as well as the administration of the domains
(Admin-c) is:
Christian Moldaenke
Preetzer Chaussee 177
24222 Schwentinental
bbe (at)
Telefon: +49 (0) 431 380 400
Telefax: +49 (0) 431 380 4010
Umsatzsteuer-Identnummer : DE812610784
HRB 5009 Amtgericht Kiel
10cells TM is registred trademark of bbe Moldaenke GmbH